Rubicon Connect – Summer 2023
Goran Dubljevic Director
The momentum of 2022 has meant greater demand for our services and capability, and we look forward to continuing to support our clients with solutions to complex engineering problems.
Moving into 2023, we have project work to complete, new projects coming on-line, as well as plans within the business to continue to grow our capability to support the Naval Ship Building and Sustainment Programs.
Stay tuned for updates through our LinkedIn profile.
First. An important update on rest and relaxation
While naval architecture and marine engineering is stimulating work, sometimes the Rubicon team need a change of pace.
The Cairns and Melbourne Office teams enjoyed a quiet end of year celebration that included lawn bowls and mini golf. It was a great opportunity to catch up in a collegiate and relaxed environment.
Although, it was interesting to see competitive natures rise to the surface in the name of good fun. There were some innovative tactics! However, the umpiring of the lawn bowls showed some distinct bias.

Annual Engineer Australia Cairns Gala Dinner and Awards evening
In December, Rubicon Associates proudly sponsored the 2022 Annual Engineer Australia Cairns Gala Dinner and Awards evening held at the Pullman International Hotel.

After a year of talking via telephone, emails, and online, it was refreshing to catch up face-to-face with the Cairns engineering community to re-cap the working year, and swap notes on what’s happening in the world of Naval Engineering, and the challenges and opportunities approaching in 2023.
It’s surprising how enjoyable an evening can become after a few rounds of tea and scones.
It was a great night!
Why Rubicon?

A question we often get asked is “Why Rubicon?”
Some assume it has something to do with Rubik’s Cube. Maybe working through complex engineering problems to arrive at a neat solution?
However, the phrase “crossing the Rubicon” is an expression that means “passing a point of no return.”
Its meaning comes from the story of Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon River in 49 BC.
For Caesar and the Army, he led – once the Rubicon was crossed, there was no turning back.

It’s about committing to the future.
Several years ago, after reviewing our capabilities and the marine engineering landscape – we decided Rubicon was best matched to Naval Architecture and Engineering.
We realised that to succeed needed total commitment to promoting excellence in maritime engineering, shaping capability, and sharing in the success of Australia’s future Naval and Maritime Industry.
Rather than turning back, we are committed to going deeper into this territory.
Rubicon’s history is about committing to the future.
Project Highlights
Life of Type Extension
We started 2023 with a big kick start riding on the momentum carrying over from 2022 and with the commencement of several significant new projects.
Our major project is the Life Of Type Extension of the two Bay Class Australian Border Force Patrol Boats.
This is one of the largest projects that Rubicon Associates has undertaken, and our role is to provide engineering support to TeeKay and the Australian Border Force in engineering the LOTE across 27 engineering change requests.
Rubicon Associates often works collaboratively with client teams and/or other engineering consultants to provide real solutions and ensuring project delivery for important marine and naval operational platforms.
Collaboration is a central Rubicon work philosophy.
Bay Class Patrol Boat (BCPB) – ACV Roebuck Bay/ACV Storm Bay
Australian Border Force have identified systems in the vessels (ACV Roebuck Bay and ACV Storm Bay) needing engineering…
Evolved Cape Class Patrol Boats (ECCPB) – MARINELINK Updates
The Installation Test Plan (ITP) will guide the Installation Contractor and Ship Staff through functionality and performance testing of …
Cape Class Patrol Boat – Integrated Logistics Support
Review and update vessel documents to reflect the status of the multiple engineering services…
ANZAC Class Frigate – Weight Remediation Tasks
Rubicon Associates Melbourne team were engaged to undertake a Class review of redundant systems including the removal…

People & Culture
Our Team
In response to increasing demand for the capabilities of our Engineering Team, we are recruiting.
Rubicon Associates is delighted to welcome the newest member to our growing team:
Arthur Lee – Electrical Engineer – Melbourne

As well as increasing our expertise to support our clients, our team have also promoted Sebastian Russell to Design and Engineering Manager.

Learning & Development
Our ‘Lunch and Learn’ program continues as an investment in the knowledge and skills of our team through sharing knowledge to facilitate understanding and improving capability across our multiple disciplines.
At our most recent professional development session, Ashley Everton presented on the IT and Security requirements for DISP accreditation and cyber security awareness aimed at thwarting black-hats infiltrating Rubicon Associates.

Along with our internal Lunch and Learn events, we are aiming to establish a series of external presenters to promote innovation and discuss the latest technologies to keep Rubicon Associates at the forefront of industry standards and expectations.

Recently, Dr Reza Emad, Senior Lecturer at AMC present to the Rubicon Associates team on Industry 4.0. This presentation enlightened the team on the naval and shipping domain as it introduces autonomous and smart ships with the promise of these vessels being safe and efficient at sea.
So far, autonomous systems can mimic certain processes and are able to perform specific tasks. However, they lack creativity and human judgment in solving unexpected problems, especially in emergencies.
Dr Emad expanded the challenges of the autonomous vessels allowing our Engineers to gain an insight to other aspects associated with the design and functionality of autonomous vessels in our area of expertise.

We are hiring!
Our Electrical team is expanding and we are on the lookout for a Senior Electrical Engineer (8+ years) for our Melbourne or Cairns office, starting ASAP.
Contact HR Manager Pille Lucas on 0414 397 548 if you, or someone you know, is interested.