Rubicon Connect – Q1 2022
It’s certainly been a busy start to the year for Rubicon Associates, with a solid project pipeline, the opening of a new office in Cairns and a number of new starters joining the team.
Our Cairns office will expand our national footprint and support sustainment projects linked to the Navy’s Regional Maintenance Centre (Plan Galileo). Our team is led by new appointment, Ben Hemphill, a Cairns local (of 15 years) and former Australian Naval Officer. Ben will take on a dual role in leading the Cairns team and focusing Rubicon Associates business development effort. Ben is supported by Senior Electrical Engineer, Glen Barnard and new Graduates, Matthew Hansen and Kade Sturgess-Price.
In addition to our Cairns team, we also welcomed two new starters in our Melbourne Office; Senior Detailed Designer Jens Dyrssen and Electrical Design Engineer Bozidar Milanovic, both highly experienced individuals in their respective disciplines. Our People link
Rubicon Associates continues to grow, and we are always looking for suitably qualified individuals to fulfil roles across ILS, engineering, acquisition and project management services, to meet future project commitments and opportunities. Careers link
With restrictions easing, it’s been exciting this year to have the opportunity to get out and about and meet face-to-face with our customers and collaborators.
We look forward to meeting with many of you at the upcoming Indo Pacific International Maritime Conference in Sydney in May!
Our project portfolio is expanding with current and recently completed projects for HMAS Leeuwin Hydrographic Survey Ship including an engineering assessment of the HVAC upgrade, work on the wet exhaust system for HMAS Choules, Bay Class Amphibious Landing Ship Dock, and development of an outboard trial plan for the Guardian Class Pacific Patrol Boat. We also extended our contract with BAE Systems into 2022 and signed a 2-year framework agreement with Navantia and Austal.
We continue to support LOTE activities in Cairns and Sydney, working on highly complex, multi-disciplinary integration projects.
HMAS CHOULES Bay Class Amphibious Landing Ship Dock
Rubicon Associates were engaged to develop the design for a vessel wet exhaust compartment re-zoning project.
Guardian Class Pacific Patrol Boat
Rubicon Associates were engaged to prepare trial documentation to enable Austal and the Commonwealth to assess the performance of new Yamaha F70 outboard motors (replacing the previous Yamaha 90A motors) and the impact on the sea boat’s envelope for launching from, and returning to, the GCPB.
Leeuwin Class Hydrographic Survey Ships – LEEUWIN & MELVILLE
Rubicon Associates are managing a multi-faceted air conditioning project, delivering an assessment of the heat load generated by the Leeuwin Class, and an engineering investigation into a replacement of the chiller plant and remediation of the entire HVAC system.

Quality Accreditation

We have now finalised the transitioning of our ISO45001:2018 and ISO14001:2015 management systems, in line with ISO9001:2018 for CERTEX IMS reaccreditation (JAS-ANZ) expected in Feb 2022.

Innovation is a word that certainly gets bandied around, but we see it as encouraging our staff to extend their vision and thinking to address the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Our team have been exploring the future of unmanned vessels…

It’s been great to finally get out and about! We are really looking forward to the upcoming INDO Pacific 2022 International Maritime Exposition and will be ‘working’ a stand over the 3-day event, from 10-12 May at the Sydney Convention Centre. We hope to see many of you there.
Graduates are our future here at Rubicon Associates, and we were pleased to present at the Australian Maritime College Career’s Expo in March. Our HR Manager, Pille Lucas was joined by BD Manager Ben Hemphill and Operations Manager Matt Darby to deliver an online presentation, that looked at the graduate experience and why we are an employer of choice.
People & Culture
Learning & Development
Rubicon Associates holds regular professional development sessions for staff covering a range of topics. As a multidisciplinary consultancy, these ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions provide a valuable opportunity to gain exposure to specialist expertise and allow us to appreciate the inter-relationships that exist across our engineering disciplines.
Our session in March focused on our Electrical Engineering capability, with a presentation from Electrical Design Engineer, Bozidar Milanovic.
On March 21, we celebrated Harmony Day with a show of Orange! The celebration was an opportunity to reflect on the true diversity of our team brought together by our shared passion for all things Marine.
We invited our team to reflect on ‘Breaking the Bias’ as part of International Women’s Day 2022, March 8. This is the first time that Rubicon Associates has participated in this significant day, with a morning tea connecting our Adelaide and Cairns team. We encourage women to explore a career in engineering and are committed to supporting all our valued staff to achieve their full potential on an equitable footing.